Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Short one, cause I'm going to sleep.
OMG Econs was a killer, totally! Nvm, 1 down, 4 more to go! Jiayou peeps, 4 more days before our 1st ever JCTs ends, how wonderful, right? No?
[P.S. I'm so going to fail econs and GP.]
many hearts joined as ONE!!
2:48 AM
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Slin: I'll go for the bbq! If you're too lazy to organise, why not you just book the pit then the class can go and buy the food and drinks tgt, possible?
With much love, B
many hearts joined as ONE!!
7:49 PM
in case you haven't been to the student portal, the j1s no longer have to attend the ayg torch relay except for the sc and hc students.
i know some (or many) are flustered over the jcts. reasons may range from "i simple don't understand" to "i dont have enough time to study".
but look on the bright side! take this as a lesson. it will make you listen during lectures and do your tutorials...for me at least.lol.
at least this is the jcts, not the promos right?=D
relax and smile!=DD
many hearts joined as ONE!!
10:47 AM
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Okay this is no random post.
I need to know who wants a BBQ, most likely this coming sat, after JCTs(yay).
Haha, I guess I should be holding one if there are enough people who wants it, so... yeah please inform me, most preferably before wed so the BBQ pit will not be booked before sat comes.
[I take back what I tagged at 3.02am yesterday, but then, if there is anyone who wants to organise, just tell me, then I won't go book the pit anymore.]
[Okay, if response is epic fail, then I will just cancel it, and we should just go for a class dinner or something.]
On the lighter/heavier note,
Countdown to 1st paper(econs): 1day 15hours 35mins
Time indeed IS running out, all the best, people.
many hearts joined as ONE!!
8:14 PM
Random one. Really.
Countdown to JCTs:
Time is running out, YES let me repeat, time
IS running out.
Jiayou folks.
SLin[P.S. I'm not studying OMG, I should just go and kill myself now.]
many hearts joined as ONE!!
12:04 AM
Friday, June 26, 2009

yep! i remembered correctly. this has more 14-ers. lollie, excluding all the guys.
why aren't they in the photo?hmmm.
jcts in 2 days!
add more oil but remember not to slip!=D
we will be done in a week (today's friday).
isn't that encouraging?=DDD
many hearts joined as ONE!!
8:43 PM
Thursday, June 25, 2009
My posts are really short, don't ever count on me making loooong posts.
BBQ after JCTs, anyone? Lol.
[P.S. I hate studying.]
[P.S.S. I love BBQs.]
[P.S.S.S. This post is super random.]
many hearts joined as ONE!!
9:43 PM
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
JCTs.[Sianzzzz x(n+1) times, where n=infinity.]
Countdown to our first ever(and 2nd last) JCTs: 4days 13hours 20mins.
Study hard folks!
-SLin, the one whose posts are really short.
many hearts joined as ONE!!
10:34 PM
we're officially NOT closet muggers <3
we had our first official mugging session today!
people who turned up - lee chuang, sian lin, yee ling, wang rui, brenda, wen kai, and me! hahah. yes that was order of appearance. well, except for me. i just dont like putting my name anywhere other than the last position when im listing people.
i managed to not get lost and find bedok library, but cause *ahem* some people were late, the places with tables were all taken up and we decided to go over to macs to study. we picked a totally bad place to study cause macs blasted music which annoyed us a lot. oh and there was this very interesting uncle who kept talking to us. "youall in JC right? do you have online assignments? must be prepared, school might close any time!" "you might not see your friends in school you know! theres a seven day quarantine..." "yeah, they purposely made the music loud. its supposed to discourage you from studying here..." hahahah. it was interesting, and then annoying... but ah well, maybe he was just bored or something. so anyway, when the opportunity arose, we moved over to the brightly lit side of macs and continued studying there.
yup. not many pictures this time cause paparazzi wasnt in the mood to be paparazzi. and seven really isnt a big group where she can shoot photo after photo after photo! so its just a few. three to be exact. not really worth posting. hahah. cause they aint very good pictures anyway.
well anyway. we studied for about seven hours [11am to 6pm] before going to walk around bedok looking for dinner. yes, we walked around bedok. looking for dinner. and after walking around in a huge circle, we ended up back at the place we started. hahah. we are so awesome that way, eh?
well anyway i think it was productive (: cause i managed to study more there than when i tried to study at home. hahah. and with a large group of people, its normally harder to concentrate.
so jiayous everyone! its just a while more and the JCTs will be over! y'all want to study after each paper for the papers the next day anot! cause i dont mind :P we can like totally help each other with lastminutequestions and stuff.
take care peeps!
many hearts joined as ONE!!
9:51 PM
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
sighs. no holiday extension=(
oh wells. we can do this together, right?=D
liyin's organising another kbox outing after the exams!
it would be at the cashstudio beside the macs near bedok interchange.
only ten bucks and unlimited singing hours!=D
can bring your own food in too! we can have a small party in there or something.=D
who's interested? date's not confirmed.
lots of love,
many hearts joined as ONE!!
9:50 PM
Monday, June 22, 2009
Post No. 2!
Hi fourteen-ers! Heh. Let's keep this blog alive.
many hearts joined as ONE!!
11:28 PM
hey awesome people! (:this is the official opening of our class blog! (cue applause)i hope that this blog will remain alive for as long as it possibly can [yes, even beyond our A levels okay!] enjoy the rest of the holidays! and remember to turn up for mugging session on wednesday. details are as follows: 9.45 AM outside Bedok library! around 6-8 people have confirmed their attendance. take care of yourselves and dont fall sick okay!much loves to all of you! jiayous for JCTs!and keep praying that school will remain closed.<3,ting
many hearts joined as ONE!!
11:05 PM