ALL THE BEST FOR JCTs TOMORROW! And look forward to this friday. Hahah.
many hearts joined as ONE!!
9:23 PM
Yo people, this blog is officially one year old now! Hahah, total of 123posts in 366 days, which average out to be... ... ... ... 0.3361 post a day(or 1post in 2.98days, which ever way you look at it.)
many hearts joined as ONE!!
7:49 PM
Reminder: Remember to go to school on 25/6, coming friday, at 8am, for chemistry MCQ paper!
many hearts joined as ONE!!
9:58 PM
Today is our beloved CG Rep's birthday.
many hearts joined as ONE!!
9:46 PM
Hahah, was looking through past posts, and saw a post which i wrote, 'Countdown to our first ever(and 2nd last) JCTS...', which reminds me...
many hearts joined as ONE!!
9:25 PM